Wednesday, 17 December 2008

'O! Lest the World' - text

O! lest the world should task you to recite
What merit lived in me, that you should love
After my death,--dear love, forget me quite,
For you in me can nothing worthy prove.
Unless you would devise some virtuous lie,
To do more for me than mine own desert,
And hang more praise upon deceased I
Than niggard truth would willingly impart:
O! lest your true love may seem false in this
That you for love speak well of me untrue,
My name be buried where my body is,
And live no more to shame nor me nor you.
For I am shamed by that which I bring forth,
And so should you, to love things nothing worth.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Thursday, 6 November 2008

'Propagation I' - live on Italian national radio

Dear Composer,

The audio sequence of FrammentAzioni project will be soon available on taukay Web Radio.

We are working now over the possibility that RAI - the italian national radio - could broadcast the FrammentAzioni sequence. To do this we need a releasing declaration from every composer.

We also made a video recording during the October 11 2008 performance and we would like to produce a video DVD of the work and perhaps also an audio CD.

Please compile, sign and send us by e-mail or by ordinary mail as soon as possible, the releasing declaration that you can find in RTF and PDF format.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

FrammentAzioni project team

Gentile Compositore,
la sequenza audio del progetto FrammentAzioni sarà presto disponibile su Taukay Web Radio.

In questo momento stiamo lavorando sulla possibilità che Radio RAI (Radio 3 suite) possa trasmettere la sequenza di FrammentAzioni. Per fare questo abbiamo bisogno di una dichiarazione liberatoria da ogni compositore partecipante.

Durante la performance dell'undici ottobre 2008 abbiamo realizzato delle riprese video che vorremmo utilizzare per produrre un DVD del lavoro e forse anche un CD audio.

Le chiediamo cortesemente di compilare, firmare ed inviare prima possibile tramite e-mail o posta ordinaria, la dichiarazione liberatoria che può trovare allegata in formato RTF e PDF.

Grazie per il suo aiuto.

Cordiali saluti.

Il team del progetto FrammentAzioni

TEM - Taukay Edizioni Musicali
via del Torre 57/5
33047 Remanzacco (Udine) Italia
tel. +39 0432 649244
fax +39 0432 649575

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Modulus - change of lineup

Modulus have today replaced Emmanuella Grace (our former singer) with Dee McGruddy, on the grounds of creative differences. We thank Emmanuella for her time and efforts with us and wish her the best for the future.

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

'Propagation I' - final programme

Dear Composer,

You can find below the text concerning the "FrammentAzioni" performance.
Please, check the informations regarding your participation like name,
title of the composition(s).

(The english version is after the italian version)

Best regards.

Gentile Compositore,
di seguito troverà i testi inseriti nel programma di sala relativi
alla performance "FrammentAzioni"
La preghiamo di controllare che non ci siano errori per quanto la

Cordiali saluti.

Vittorio Vella


The idea underlying this project has a broad international
perspective. It is based on the idea that brief “fragments” of sound
can be edited together to accompany movements, “actions”, in a
continuum where chance is able to construct a fascinating audio-visual
Using the internet, artists were asked to send pieces of no more than
60 seconds in length to Taukay Edizioni Musicali, in order to
participate in a kind of collective musical composition.
The time limit was a substantial challenge for the participants,
calling for an essential nature which required complete control of the
sonic events in the search for the heart of the music.
The result is a phenomenal and multi-faceted compositional whole, made
up of 61 compositions chosen from 716 works submitted from 34
countries, to which the contemporary dance company “Arearea” has added
the expression of movement.

Arearea is a company of contemporary dance founded in 1992 by the
choreographer and dancer Roberto Cocconi who was a member of the
company Teatro e Danza la Fenice di Venezia under the direction of
Carolyn Carlson. He created the company Sosta Palmizi in collaboration
with the most important dancers of the modern authorial dance in
Italy. Since 2003 the dancers of Arearea work with the choreographers
Luca Zampar and Marta Bevilacqua, they both studied at the Accademia
Isola della Danza directed by Carolyn Carlson.

Arearea creates works for: festival of contemporary art, museums,
vernissage, happenings. Their art follows that direction and they
collaborate with all kind of artists (musicians, sculptors, painters,
directors, actors, photographers, videomakers and DJs) with whom
Arearea can experiment the mixture of different ways of expression.


Panayiotis Kokoras - Lullaby,
Jesus Contreras - Hikari Kage,
Dawn K. Williams - Burst,
Roderik De Man - Wait a minute!,
Alex Shapiro - Flea Circus,
Alex Shapiro - Plasma,
Gilberto Assis de Oliveira Rosas - Com o passar dos timbres,
Anthony Catalano - Worried for nothing,
Philip Schuessler - Bicycle Etude No2,
Dorothy Elliston Hindman - Seconds,
Daniel Schnyder - Beep Hop,
Paul Bruinen - Haiku I: Lightning,
Marcel Wierckx - In tension,
Robert Scott Thompson - Bam Bloop,
Andrián Pertout - Sesenta cuatro campanas,
Tim Reed - He changed into his brown trasers,
Robert Scott Thompson - Ah,
Kala Pierson - Chilling Effects,
Victor Hugo Villarreal - Big Nurse,
Alphonse Izzo - Ground,
Stefano Alessandretti - Studio n. 2: Persistenza della memoria,
Giuseppe Rapisarda - Le voci di qualcuno,
Blake Samperi - Extraction,
Massimo Fragalà - Akatastasia,
Adam Caird - Going to the match,
Junya Oikawa - Plastic edge II,
Jeff Morris - RUhere x60,
Ilaria Liberati - Fear,
Benjamin O'Brien - cilq 1,
Jamie Gray - Propagation I,
Ioannis Kalantzis - Zer01 minute,
Adam Gusme - Untitled,
Massimo Varchione - Rota's walk,
Michael Roth - Henry Kissinger sings a little tune,
Michael Roth - Tilly warns us: people are turning into almonds!,
Federico Costanza - Venice II,
Antye Greie - Lettermood,
NoLogic duo (Angelo Conto / Igor Sciavolino) - Sdrok,
Gianmarco Caselli - Hydra II,
Andrew Stoltz - Umwelt,
Corrado Malavasi - Aquawork,
Corrado Malavasi - Natura Zen 1,
Alfredo Serafini - All'ombra in una stanza vuota,
David Heuser - Here's the shot,
Tatjana Böhme-Mehner - Cowbell Etude I,
Paula Matthusen - Anthracite,
Marco Dibeltulu - Omaggio a Velazquez,
Norberto Oldrini - Intermezzo,
Jimmy Behan - Ghost of a bird,
Monica Conversano - Horse dance,
Enrico Francioni - Mad hatter,
Ricardo de Armas - Freak cello,
Michelangelo Pepe - Playing with the clocks,
Miguel Urbano - Bordões,
Gilberto Assis de Oliveira Rosas - Uma vida en 60s,
Sebastiane Hegarty - Soliloqui #1,
Sebastiane Hegarty - Accents & descents,
Zygote (Antti Saario / Martin Iddon) - closed vessel: Ausstrahlung,
Nicolas Tzortzis - According to her,
Andrea Vigani - Met,
Andrew Peggie - The isle is full of noises #2

Thursday, 25 September 2008

'Propagation I' - to be performed in Italy!

Udine, September 2008

TEM - Taukay Music Publishing House and Delta Produzioni Associazione Culturale announces the results of the FrammentAzioni project call for works.

The listening group is thus composed:

Michele Biasutti
Andrea Cera
Nicola Giosmin
Andrea Toffolini
Vittorio Vella

716 compositions from 34 countries are arrived at our office.
The listening group chose the following 61 works of 57 composers:

Stefano Alessandretti - Studio n. 2: Persistenza della memoria,
Gilberto Assis de Oliveira Rosas - Com o passar dos timbres,
Gilberto Assis de Oliveira Rosas - Uma vida en 60s,
Jimmy Behan - Ghost of a bird,
Tatjana Böhme-Mehner - Cowbell Etude I,
Paul Bruinen - Haiku I: Lightning,
Adam Caird - Going to the match,
Gianmarco Caselli - Hydra II,
Anthony Catalano - Worried for nothing,
Jesus Contreras - Hikari Kage,
Monica Conversano - Horse dance,
Federico Costanza - Venice II,
Ricardo de Armas - Freak cello,
Roderik De Man - Wait a minute!,
Marco Dibeltulu - Omaggio a Velazquez,
Massimo Fragalà - Akatastasia,
Enrico Francioni - Mad hatter,
Jamie Gray - Propagation I,
Antye Greie - Lettermood,
Adam Gusme - Untitled,
Sebastiane Hegarty - Soliloqui #1,
Sebastiane Hegarty - Accents & descents,
David Heuser - Here's the shot,
Dorothy Elliston Hindman - Seconds,
Alphonse Izzo - Ground,
Ioannis Kalantzis - Zer01 minute,
Panayiotis Kokoras - Lullaby,
Ilaria Liberati - Fear,
Corrado Malavasi - Aquawork,
Corrado Malavasi - Natura Zen 1,
Paula Matthusen - Anthracite,
Jeff Morris - RUhere x60,
NoLogic duo (Angelo Conto / Igor Sciavolino) - Sdrok,
Benjamin O'Brien - cilq 1,
Junya Oikawa - Plastic edge II,
Norberto Oldrini - Intermezzo,
Andrew Peggie - The isle is full of noises #2
Michelangelo Pepe - Playing with the clocks,
Andrián Pertout - Sesenta cuatro campanas,
Kala Pierson - Chilling Effects,
Giuseppe Rapisarda - Le voci di qualcuno,
Tim Reed - He changed into his brown trasers,
Michael Roth - Henry Kissinger sings a little tune,
Michael Roth - Tilly warns us: people are turning into almonds!,
Blake Samperi - Extraction,
Daniel Schnyder - Beep Hop,
Philip Schuessler - Bicycle Etude No2,
Alfredo Serafini - All'ombra in una stanza vuota,
Alex Shapiro - Flea Circus,
Alex Shapiro - Plasma,
Andrew Stoltz - Umwelt,
Robert Scott Thompson - Bam Bloop,
Robert Scott Thompson - Ah,
Nicolas Tzortzis - According to her,
Miguel Urbano - Bordões,
Massimo Varchione - Rota's walk,
Andrea Vigani - Met,
Victor Hugo Villarreal - Big Nurse,
Marcel Wierckx - In tension,
Dawn K. Williams - Burst,
Zygote (Antti Saario / Martin Iddon) - closed vessel: Ausstrahlung,

The selected compositions will be played continuously in a concert during the “Contemporanea” festival in October in Udine (Italy) and broadcasted from Taukay Web radio, the first Italian web radio station entirely dedicated to contemporary music ( A video recording of the concert is scheduled.
Over the sequence the dance company “Arearea” will present an expressly dedicated choreography.

Vittorio Vella
Manager of TEM – Taukay Edizioni Musicali

It is possible to receive further information at this address:
or at our office in via del torre 57/5, 33047 Remanzacco (Udine), ITALIA
tel ++39 0432 649244, fax ++39 0432 649575