Tuesday, 20 January 2009

MA Music - graduation ceremony

Earlier this evening was the graduation ceremony for my MA Music class, held at the Barbican Centre in London. It was exactly as I expected - that is, the usual cheesy atmosphere and bonhomie. The gong for most surreal sight of the evening must surely go to the choir conductor, who performed an impromptu version of We are the Champions on organ, ably assisted with rich twenty-part harmony backing him up.

At least there were vouchers for free wine. Ritchie was there and was as hilarious as ever, necking beer at breakneck speed. Dad, Catherine, Mum and Roger all came to see me graduate, which for my family is probably a world first - in the sense that they were all in the same geographical area and there weren't any fights. Roger gave me some money as a reward for passing my Masters, which I promptly used to go find the nearest watering hole with Ritchie, and drank heartily with him and his mum long into the evening.

I managed to get the last train back into Sutton and somehow stumbled home. It still hasn't really hit home that I'm now a Master of Music. I guess at some point I will look back upon this day with a certain nostalgia. For now, I'm Jamie Gray, BA (Hons), MA. Night :)

Monday, 19 January 2009

'Propagation I' - live in Italy

Hi all,

If you'd like to see my piece "Propagation I" in action, all you have to do is follow the link below. It's a DVD quality MP4 file in 640x480 resolution and is about 470 Mb big, so only do it if you have some time to spare!


As you know, the pieces have been merged to form a coherent whole. My piece is between [27:57] and [28:59]. Also particularly heartening was the 3 minutes of applause for the composers at the end! Soon I will edit the video in Premiere Pro and upload a clip of just my piece to my video section.

Happy new year to you all.
