Tuesday, 22 September 2009

'Just Once' - lyrics

Passed through the ironwrought park gates
With the sun hanging low overhead.
Would anyone care if I vanished right now?
Would they notice if I was dead?

Sat on a bench and tried to concentrate
Could only stare vacantly out at the lake
Failed to understand the consequences
Of the mistakes that I would make.

Just once
Give me empathy, give me sympathy
Just once
Open your heart to me
Just once
Understand I’m not so different to you,

Walked by the deserted beachside
Chip wrappers floating in the air
A hollow shell of a former glory
From the tide to the funfair.

And this existential turmoil
Jaded of mind; so tired and worn,
It writhes, it panders in my veins
Sometimes I’d wish I’d not been born.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

'Loveless' - reaction

Hi Jamie,

Yay it worked! Thanks a lot for sending. I just played and sang it through and I think it's really great! It has such a lovely melody, I especially like the chorus. I will try and record it soon, but in the meantime, I'll enjoy singing it :) Miss you!

Clo x

Friday, 11 September 2009

'Loveless' - score

'Loveless' - lyrics

It was late; a Friday night
In the sky, the moon hung low
I remember we were at the fairground and
You said that you had to go

But I didnt notice then
With emotions amplified
I screwed my eyes shut, and I thought about
How youre never satisfied

I want to care for you
I want to be compelled
But you make this too hard, too complex, and
In the end Im just repelled
You make this too hard, too complex, and
In the end Im just repelled

So you left me all alone
In the neon burning glare
Im crushed, defeated, torn apart,
And everyone can only stare

Now I guess this is the end?
Cause the finish lines in sight
Why did you have to go and trash my dreams
On that fateful Friday night?

I want to care for you
I want to be compelled
But you make this too hard, too complex, and
In the end Im just repelled
You make this too hard, too complex, and
In the end Im just repelled