Sunday, 21 February 2010

Modulus - personnel changes

Sincere apologies for the general lack of updates & information on my site over the last couple of months. 

As a result of some important changes in her circumstances just before Christmas 2009, it is with great reluctance that I can confirm Dee has left our band. This was not due to the usual reasons you hear or read about, like "creative differences" or "technical reasons", but purely because her employer had been forced to close by the Fraud Office, and she had no option but to find other work. Consequently, she could not commit any time to the band. All of us at Modulus are pleased that she has left on good terms with all of us. We respect her decision and wish her the very best for the future.

Additionally, Emma has been very busy with her MMus at Trinity. She has been performing with a range of top-quality ensembles and orchestras, and for the BBC. Such a hectic schedule has, like Dee, clearly left her with very little in the way of free time. Again, we understand her reasons for leaving us behind, particularly when you have more glamorous things to do with your time (wouldn't we all?) - and wish her the very best.

As Christmas ended and the New Year started, it was therefore up to myself as Band Leader/Director to take charge of the situation and recruit new musicians, a situation made slightly more complicated as, of course, I am no longer a student at Kingston Uni. I was therefore reliant upon the administrative staff circulating some advertising emails on my behalf, and a select few flyers taped up in the common room area.

At Dee's Christmas party, I had the fortune to meet Steve, one of her housemates. He mentioned that he sang, liked Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, and Jamie Cullum, and was looking to be in a band - the rest, as they say, is history! Just under two weeks later, I got a phone call from Anna, a Bulgarian girl, who had seen my advert at the uni. Some initial meetings were arranged and a preliminary rehearsal agreed. As the band's repertoire could be comfortably performed by both myself and Ian on bass, it was Anna's decision on what we would rehearse.

After much hectic timetabling and inquiring about people's availability, a general band rehearsal was finally scheduled for yesterday, Saturday 20th, at 14:00. Even then, we only booked the room thanks to Dee, as the rest of the band are no longer students at the uni! The rehearsal got off to a shaky start when Anna arrived nearly an hour late. We did manage to complete the programme we intended and scheduled some more songs to work on for next time. 

After carefully evaluating from others in the band concerning Anna's voice and its characteristics, I was obliged to write her an email informing her that I did not want her to continue to sing for us. Her voice had a very nasal, raucous tone to it that might have served her well in a rock music setting (and she had frequently boasted of her vast experience in this particular genre) but considering that I want the band to expand into R&B, soul, swing, and jazz, to give us a more rounded repertoire, I felt it was the only practical outcome, especially as her voice would not be suited to the subtleties and shades of most or all of these genres. I was disappointed both personally (late punctuality) and professionally with her.

With an eventful few weeks behind us, hopefully now we can continue with our present line-up of Ian, Jamie, and Steve. We are still on the lookout for a drummer, but the basic foundations of the band are accounted for. Watch this space!