Saturday, 31 July 2010

composition - 'Encaustic'

Unfortunately, Encaustic did not make it through to the shortlist of the Citta di Udine competition. Still, there's always next year.

Saturday, 24 July 2010

composition - 'Goats and Tigers' title themes

Currently on my MySpace are three versions of the title theme I've been working on for the forthcoming 'Goats and Tigers' iPhone game. Please do have a listen, all feedback is genuinely welcomed, good or bad. We are aiming for a release date of late August to early September.

Friday, 9 July 2010

composition - 'Goats and Tigers' iPhone version

The iPhone version of 'Goats and Tigers' is due to be released this autumn. As composer of the original video game soundtrack, I have been asked to write more music for this release. It has been decided that the game will have a distinctly retro feel, with the others requesting me to write in an "8-bit C64/Spectrum style". This is an exciting project to be working on as our little design group branches out into hi-tech applications like the iPhone. Whether it is successful or not, I've been asked to compose music for two further video games (also coded by Dan) - which are 'Bridges' and 'Suicide Chess'. All of these three games can be played in a Java format here. Please send any feedback here.