Tuesday, 31 May 2011

performance - open mic, Brave New World, Surbiton

The set was:

1. The Beatles - Yesterday
2. Alexa Pol - Never Stopped Loving You
3. Queen - Too Much Love Will Kill You
4. Muse - Ruled By Secrecy
5. Michael Buble - Learning the Blues
6. The Beatles - When I'm Sixty Four

Monday, 30 May 2011

performance - recent open mic gigs

Apologies for the lack of updating once again!

In late April, I did a bit of networking and ended up being invited to play at an open mic night at Fairfield Tavern in Kingston upon Thames. I elected to play a selection of covers and original pieces. The set was received quite well - one guy there asked me on the spot if I could give piano lessons to his 13 year old son. Additionally, I got to perform Fields of Gold and Unintended with Maria, who promotes the night. A week later, she asked me to help co-promote the night - involving setting up equipment, monitoring output levels, etc. and was willing to pay me £40 a week. Naturally I obliged! Just two weeks later though, she had disappointingly changed her mind, citing the reason as she needed someone who had more free time on their hands.

I was at Brave New World in Surbiton last night to see my friend Sumeet play in his band Mary In A Tree at their open mic night. I was also due to play yesterday but the promoter Will 'forgot' about me as there were several acts to get through. No hard feelings though, he invited me back tonight to support Mary In A Tree on bank holiday Monday! :)