Monday, 24 November 2014

performance news


I am delighted to confirm I will be playing 3 dates on Tim OT's tour with Grace Petrie! See his page for the full tour dates - these are the ones I am joining him on:

Sunday 7th December: Norwich - The Bicycle Shop
Wednesday 10th December: Kingston - The Cricketers
Thursday 11th December: Leicester - The Cookie

Kingston tickets on sale now, at £5 + 50p booking fee, here:

Norwich & Leicester tickets are £5 on the door.

Please come and support these very talented singer-songwriters, hope to see you there!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

performance news


Nothing more needs to be said. Tim has waited for quite some time to play with one of his idols... and now tomorrow we are.

THURSDAY 20TH NOVEMBER, New Slang - Kingston (McCluskys), 4 Bishops Hall, Thames St, Kingston, KT1 1QN, tickets £10 (see website)

Excited to announce that I'm opening up for Frank Turner tomorrow night at New Slang - Kingston - I think some tickets are still left (

performance - open mic, Bar XLR, Epsom


TONIGHT I am playing at the open mic night at Bar XLR in EPSOM. The event starts at 8pm, and everyone gets 15 minutes just like at The Cricketers. I know it's stupidly late notice so I am sure you all have plans, but if you don't, seeing you there will be marvellous.