Today at 11am, Modulus met in the School of Music common room at Kingston University to clarify the way forward for the band. It seemed, to me at least, bizarre that we have been formed for well over a year without any demos being recorded. I strongly advised the other band members that we ought to rectify this immediately; the outcome being that we will have a 3 hour band rehearsal on Tuesday 3rd November at 9am. Fortunately, our drummer Emma has every Tuesday and Thursday available until Christmas, so it was felt to be essential that we make the best use of our time with her, as she is insanely busy settling into her MMus studies at Trinity.
After this rehearsal, we can decide if we need another rehearsal before heading into Coombehurst Studio to record our first demo tracks. Another aspect of getting a demo CD recorded is that we will need something to show prospective venues and promoters to land future gigs, which is especially important around the Christmas and New Year period when bands are often best paid. We have slimmed our existing set list down to around ten songs for the purposes of recording. These songs were chosen mutually by the band, on the basis that they provoked the best audience reaction at Jenni's wedding.
We certainly hope that it will take a single rehearsal to 'get back in the groove', and can then begin the process of recording a week later, on Tuesday 10th.
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